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Challenge: Develope a compelling visual narrative for ten distinct films, preserving their unique mystique while meeting the expectations of film enthusiasts and arts patrons. Balancing extensive text within limited space without compromising the impact of the imagery presented a unique challenge.

Caption Image

▲ Custom tool made to transform images

The design approach transformed film imagery through a cubist lens, turning traditional design on its head. Each frame tells a story beyond the screen, introducing a sense of controlled chaos that preserved each film’s unique atmosphere while weaving a cohesive visual narrative. The tape motif derives from crime scene tape twisted and bitmapped with a duotone color palette. This approach not only captured the classic essence of the films but reimagined them in a modern context, appealing to both film enthusiasts and arts patrons.

Tools Used Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, After Effect, Processing
Fonts Used Clarendon URW, ITCFranklinGothic LT Pro
Extra Info This work is school project. Not Commissioned.
Inspiration Inspired by the book 'Generative Design' by Hartmut Bohnacker